Kaleb Loftus is foremost a father and husband, secondly an author, and thirdly on a quest to challenge others to create beauty in the world through his writings and teachings on YouTube and other forms of media.

Unmasking Madness is Kaleb’s debut work as a writer. The story along with its verbiage took half a decade to come together. With promises to himself and his patient, stunning, and deserving wife (her words) the next title will not duplicate this timeline.

He lives under the excruciating weight, admittedly a lifelong pursuit, to outwrite his award winning D.A.R.E. essay from the fourth grade. Beginning in the seventh grade he pocketed five dollars per essay ($0.034 estimated adjustment for inflation) amongst his illiterate peers across several academic topics.

In high school, his faith in the craft slivered. Ms. McCandless, his creative writing teacher, taught that if you liked what you wrote then that was reason enough to bring pen to paper. Whereas, his senior year english teacher scribbled in red ink on the top of his essay regarding symbolism in The Great Gatsby that “writing isn’t one your strong suits” and to “look into college programs that require very little of it.”

After a hiatus from writing, Kaleb reached the conclusion that Ms. McCandless was correct, and his english teacher was better off with a muffin up her arse, respectively. He is honest enough to admit that his essay was considerably a puff piece, but nevertheless, I mean, c’mon. She wrote that on the essay of a teenager.

If you would like to connect with Kaleb with either personal sentiments or professional inquiries, you can do so on this website kalebloftus.com or through YouTube where you can learn more about this work and other related topics in the writing and personal development space. Beloved family recipes are also permitted for submission.

He lives in Utah with his three children, one dog, and…checking paperwork…one beloved wife.

Who is Kaleb?

Why Imaginish?

Imaginish is an ongoing artistic and creative work. It’s intention is to inspire others to protect and empower what is good outwardly, but more importantly, in themselves.

I believe with immense passion that each person ought to contribute beauty to the world. A lifelong project of sorts. One that causes others to pause even if not to awe at the finished piece then at least to showcase their appreciation for the efforts that have been made. This is mine.

It is my experience that beauty cannot be created without sacrifice first fertilizing the soil. With such a perspective, when we see growth, we can know suffering lies beneath, not hindering, but sustaining the upward motion.

You own Imaginish can carry you through the stormy seas that occur in life (or at least it has for me) until calmer waters can be reached. Whether you need an escape, inspiration, or simply something to read to pass the time, Imaginish is ever-growing and ever-unfinished.

IMAGINISH: [ ih-maj-in-ish ], noun, verb, adj.

  1. (noun.) the collected writings and notions of Kaleb Loftus, his deliberate dabbles

  2. (verb.) the creator’s touch that initiates the transitory phase a thought undertakes to becomes an idea worthy of action

  3. (adjective.) an immaterial idea intruding a physical reaction upon the world